Fmp production diary



FMP production diary #1

A script wouldn't be needed for this piece as it's an abstract art piece, no dialogue will be used within this short. I would need to create a live storyboard and annotate it in order to know what i'll be shooting for the final piece.

As my actress isn't from the location for shooting, we need to organise dates and time where she is free in order to shoot for the first and second time.

We had to split into groups where we had to discus our own FMP ideas to each other, together we discussed a budget for each FMP, whereas mine came to £0 as everything that needs to be filmed is walking distance, there will also be no props used within production as everything being used would be nature. All the equiptment used will be mine which would be a Canon 700d, using the camera handheld on all shots.  


Tuesday 5th April - Filmed rough cuts for FMP, crafting a live story board towards the final production.

Tuesday 12th April - Placing together rough cut and live storyboards

This was the schedule for the final shoot after the live storyboard/ rough cut.
We arranged to meet on the 17th April and shot all day from 12pm until 7pm because it was getting close to sunset. I wanted to film during daylight.

FMP production diary #2

I chose to film early was to create a live storyboard for my FMP, see what shots I like and what shots i didn't like.
Also as I filmed all day, from morning until sunset, i preferred sunrise light more than sunset as i want the contrast to be high, rather than everything being orange. As my piece is meaning to wake the audience up and how they perceive morning sunlight. This would be better to use rather than using sunset.

Production meeting with tutor
12th April - 10:16am

Discussed the strategy towards creating my FMP. I’m going to reshoot, what I like and don’t like from creating the live-storyboard.

Risk Assessment

Very limited risks would take place throughout the shoot, as It’s based down a country road and a park.

Risk one - Filming down a road, not necessarily busy but can be as there is the football pitch on the road, which would be dangerous from cars coming back and forth from the football pitch. To avoid getting hit by a car, we only shot one shot which was roughly five seconds long to avoid using that area for a long time.

Risk two - From filming within the park, another risk would be possible rain, this would result in equipment becoming broken or the crew (myself) and actor (Sophie) to slip and injure ourselves. To prevent this from happening I looked on the weather and to film on a dry sunny day.


As this is an abstract creative short to be shown in exhibitions, there is no specific audience. To encourage more people to visit the exhibition I created a horror trailer of my FMP to bring horror lovers to the exhibition.

Live Storyboard

Post-Production documentation

From editing my FMP I used different shots ranging from first to second person to engage the audience watching Sunshine Girl so they can relate to how she feels towards sunlight and optimism.
Each clip used isn’t long as I managed to cut each clip towards the beat of the song playing in the background. I also cut out clips and only used audio from the clips, so subtle breathing and birds is heard within Sunshine Girl to enthuse how the girl is feeling and her breathing in the fresh air of the fields.
During the beginning of Sunshine Girl it starts of soft and slow and calm down the audience while watching, then when the music starts to become more rapid, this engages the audience as they wouldn’t get bored while watching as the music is fast paced and the editing styles used within the short. As each clip is edited differently to compliment the music from towards the end when each clip becomes around one to two second long to match the beat and towards the very end when it cuts out and cuts back in, creating different editing styles and techniques to every minute of Sunshine Girl is different.

From using the title towards the end of Sunshine Girl, that was used within Aftereffect and exported as a .MOV file and imported under Premiere Pro with a transparent background.

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