

Lunartic was part of our 48 hour film challenge. The whole project was completed in 46 hours and 45 minutes, only with 1 hour and 15 to spare. We completed all of our needs with the pre-production, production and post production; all under strict time management.
The story follows to life long friends, both having the same obsession with outer space and what it does for us. Charlie, the main character, gets too obsessive with space and starts planning on sending Alex into space because he turns slightly insane. Before we know, Charlie stabs Alex with a screwdriver and sends Alex into the outer world. 
Little did we know that Alex was really Charlie's consciousness and wasn't really real. So Charlie kills other people because he thought the strangers witnessed the crime. Hence creating a new theory of how a serial killer is born.

Given all the feedback from the rest of the class, it seemed that we met our target needs. We had a few issues with the weather and voice acting.
We didn't plan the next few days ahead in relation to the weather. We solved the problem quickly and smoothly and decided to shoot the end scene with the rocket.
The other issue with voice acting was that it wasn't really believable during the beginning of the sequence, but towards the end when it's the extreme close up of Charlie's face from both sides; The voice acting sounded believable.

Another minor error was during the end of the sequence when the credits appear. The word "Starring" is misspelt.

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